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Asian Internet Architecture and Design Network selects Bangkok as the hub.

Thailand is the center for a new Internet based directory targeting designers, architects, property developers and suppliers throughout Asia. The site was officially launched this week in Bangkok. A subsidiary of Thailand based City Space Design Group Ltd., a technology driven corporate design practice,the Website has been in test mode for over 12 months and is now officially open for users. The Website already receives over 45,000 hits per month and is the number 1 site on the Yahoo, Hot Bot, Infoseek & Compaq’s AltaVista World Wide Web search engines in the Asia Architecture keyword category.

Director Scott Whittaker said that the site's objective is to provide a service that will assist the architecture and design professions during the economic downturn and recovery in
Asia with information and links between education, business, product suppliers and the construction industry in Asia. Director Kristina Zanic noted that the lower operating cost of doing business in Thailand together with the IT skills available makes Bangkok ideal as an Internet hub.

Web Manager, Sarinya Pruethimongkol B. Arch. KMITL, A.S.A., has developed the Thai language areas of the site and a mandarin version is in progress. The Website offers product centers and advertising programs for architectural suppliers and can tailor Websites for clients.

The Architecture Asia Network, an industry specific vertical portal site offers architects, design professionals and suppliers of all sizes the opportunity to promote their products and services to a targeted audience across Asia. Brian Cahill, Director,Manager of Marketing & Sales said "whether you're interested in generating leads, driving sales, increasing traffic to your Website, promoting new products, building a brand or enhancing your company's leadership position, the Architecture Asia Network website can make sure your advertising works on the Internet."

For further information contact:
1) Scott Whittaker; Director, Bachelor of Architecture, University South Australia, RAIA
2) Kristina Zanic; Director, Bachelor of Design, Human Environments S.A.C.A.E
3) Brian Cahill; Director, Manager Marketing & Sales

The Architecture Asia Network
A subsidiary of City Space Design Group Ltd.
Tel: 66 2 253 6201
Fax: 66 2 253 6203

E-mail: [email protected]
Press Release Kit pressrelease

Front page Architecture Asia.
Click here to enlarge

Front page Products Asia
Click here to enlarge

The Architecture Asia Network: Frequently asked questions about our Website

Q) When was Architecture Asia website set up?
A) Architecture Asia was set up in December 1997

Q) Why was it set up?
A) The site was designed as an information service for architects and designers in Asia, despite the explosion of the web few listings are related to the industry in Asia. We hope visitors have found it useful to find resources in Asia. The site quickly developed traffic and we decided to expand the site. The site will be officially launched to the media launched in February 15th 1999.

Architecture Asia is owned by City Space Design Group, a Bangkok based Design Company. City Space Design Group has its own website at that details some of our work and resume. We plan to introduce establish a new company for Architecture Asia in 1999 and involve additional partners. We set up the site as a resource we could use and also share with other designers in Asia who until recently have worked in isolation due to language and geographical barriers.

Our goal is to become the principal information gateway for designers and architects in Asia. The Thai areas of the site are bilingual and we plan to develop further multilingual sites

Our team consists of Kristina Zanic, Interior Designer, Scott Whittaker, Architect and Brian Cahill, Marketing manager. We have two Thai architects, designer Khun Jiravej Hongsakul and Supatra Srithongkum and a designer Khun Sarinya Pruethimongkol developing our site. The work is all done in houses; we however host our site on servers in USA to provide higher speed.

Q) How can organizations/firms have their sites connected? How do you decide which projects to feature?

A) Our intention is to list any resource in regard to the Architecture, Building and the Design Industry. Efficient use of time for design professionals is important so we want Website visitors to find resources quickly and easily.
Any one can submit a free  listing by our online forms or by email to [email protected], we do edit listings and the system is manually edited to provide value content. We try to provide a balance of information and highlight listings of users who have assisted us in providing relevant content.

Q) Who are your main users – by country/by occupation?
A) Our site currently receives 75,000 plus hits per month and statistics from our server indicates that these come from a broad range of Australian and Asian countries. We also receive traffic from the US and Europe. We have not yet surveyed in detail a full profile of visitors but it appears to be a range of academic, industry and professional users.

Q) Do you know of similar Asia-oriented architecture (or building) gateway sites?

A) Similar country based gateways exist but most cover only parts of Asia or a specific country, we list all similar sites on our web site in the relevant county profile.

Q) Are you able to set up communication between designers, suppliers and exporter e.g. through email contact, or is it simply up to users to contact the sites themselves?
A) Architecture Asia has several other sites in development, and The Products Asia site will provide a forum for suppliers and exporters in Asia related in the industry. We will provide product centers for exporters and suppliers including an email exchange. These sites will be fully operational in April and we plan to announce some regional partners who will participate in the project.

We have had initial discussion with government trade organizations about potential development of our site to assist exporters

Q) Who are your content partners?

A) The is a partner in the ICN group, a non-profit groups of architectural and designs sites globally, and the group is very active and consists of partner sites in 22 countries. We also are provided with daily news feed by ContraxAsia a HongKong based Research Company.
We are developing numerous other industry links that we will announce shortly.

Q) Why is the Architecture Asia Network a better media?

We believe the key ingredient of our site is that it is developed by designers and architects in the industry in Asia to provide relevant information.

More questions about Architecture Asia Network

1)Scott Whittaker; Director, Bachelor of Architecture, University South Australia, RAIA
2) Kristina Zanic; Director, Bachelor of Design, Human Environments S.A.C.A.E
3) Brian Cahill; Executive Director

The Architecture Asia Network,

A subsidiary of City Space Design Group Ltd.
Tel: 66 2 253 6201
Fax: 66 2 253 6203
Press Release Kit & on line media Website:
E-mail: [email protected]


The Architecture Asia Network, encouraging interactivity between designers and architects in Asia. We aim to provide a comprehensive resource for architecture and design by providing a simple and easy to use resource for design professionals in Australia and Asia

Architecture Asia Marketing Programs

The Architecture Asia Network offers companies of all sizes an opportunity to promote their products and services to a targeted audience across Asia to Architecture and Design professionals on the Internet. Whether you're interested in generating leads, increasing Web traffic to your site, promoting new products, or enhancing your company's leadership position, The Architecture Asia Network has a program to help you accomplish your goals

Contact :

Mr. Scott Whittaker :
Architecture:Bachelor of Architecture
( University South Australia ) SAIT
Director and Shareholder City Space Design Group Ltd.
email: [email protected]

Miss. Kristina Zanic :

Interior Designer and Space Planner
Bachelor of Design - Human Environments S.A.C.A.E
Director and Shareholder City Space Design Group Ltd.
email: [email protected]

Mr. Brian Cahill :
Director, Manager

Director of Marketing & Sales
Bachelor of Commerce Laurier University
( Int.Bus.) Waterloo Canada.
email: [email protected]

Mr.Tawatchai Phattanasettavut :
Web Master
Bachelor of Interior Design                         
email: [email protected]

E-mail : [email protected]
Fax --- : 662 2536203
Tel.---- : 662 2536201

We are based in Bangkok, Thailand. Our business partner
is the Cityspace Design Group.Ltd

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Our team

Scott Whittaker

Kristina Zanic

Brian Cahill

Tawatchai Phattanasettavut 



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