Powering Asian AEC Industries�

    Program costs, Keyword advertising, Sponsorships


1. About Us



Company Principles

Asian  AEC Market Changes


2. Our Websites

Site Description


Site Content

Professional Communities

Product Communities

Online Applications

Our Development Strategy


3. Technology & Standards


Product Classification

Site Technology


4. Audience

Visitors-Monthly Statistics

Search Engine Strategy

Naming Strategy

AEC Professional Internet Usage


5. Alliances



Industry Professional Links

Strategic Domestic Alliances

Industry Related Sites


6. Advertising Programs

Advertising Programs

Product Lisitings

AECInternetAsia Product Center

Advertising Rates 

Banner Advertising

Programs, keywords, sponsorship



General Terms and Conditions


7. Contact Details


In addition to rotating the advertisers ad throughout the aecasia websites, keyword  advertising displays the advertisers banner ad on the search results page  of specified keywords-providing the advertisers with a highly targeted means of advertising. Companies purchasing keywords own these words exclusively for contracted period .
In addition to rotating the advertisers ad throughout the aecasia websites, keyword  advertising displays the advertisers banner ad on the search results page  of specified keywords-providing the advertisers with a highly targeted means of advertising. Companies purchasing keywords own these words exclusively for contracted period .
All aecasia advertising programs include monthly reports reflecting impressions per month, ad clicks throughs.
Frequency discounts will be available for advertisers placing orders for multiple quarters. All price are quoted net for 2000.
Cost 6,000 HK$ for minimum of 3 months
Sponsorships on aecasia allow manufactures and service companies to develop meaningful  content opportunities on our  websites